Nan Powell-Davies
Nan Powell-Davies

Nan Powell-Davies was appointed Assistant Director of Ministries of The Presbyterian Church of Wales in 2012, and General Secretary in 2022

Ben and Lois Franks
Ben Franks

Ben is married to Lois, is a father to four sprightly kids and is a pastor at Hope Church Rhondda. He also leads the team for Cant i Gymru (100 for Wales) – a church planting initiative to see 100 healthy churches planted in Wales in the next 10 years.

Natalie Brand
Natalie Brand

Natalie Brand (Ph.d, Trinity St David) is a writer and Bible teacher. She studied theology in South Wales for many years, and has taught at Union School of Theology, Oak Hill, and London Seminary. She now writes full-time, seeking to spur women to treasure doctrine as they love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.

Mihai Dumitrascu

Mihai Dumitrascu is the founding pastor of the “Emanuel” Christian Church in Galati, Romania. He is the coordinator of ProLider and the president of the Constanta Regional District.

Stuart Bell
Stuart Bell

Stuart has ministered for over fifty years in various parishes in Wales. Currently, he is leading a new congregation called Fellowship 345 in Rhydypennau, Ceredigion and was recently consecrated as a Bishop in the Anglican Convocation in Europe.

Benjamin Kwashi
Benjamin Kwashi

Benjamin Argak Kwashi is a Nigerian Anglican archbishop, living in Jos, Northern Nigeria. Benjamin is also General Secretary of GAFCON, the global evangelical Anglican network.

Rachel Sloan
Rachel Sloan

Rachel Sloan works with FIEC and her role involves promoting gospel work carried out amongst women and by women in FIEC churches, alongside equipping and encouraging women’s workers.

Lois Adams
Lois M Adams

Biography Mae Lois yn ddylunydd set ac artist hyfforddedig. Mae hi’n storïwr gweledol; yn gweu’r naratif gyda’r gwaith celf. Mae ganddi ddiddordeb archwilio straeon sydd yn ein cyffwrdd mewn ffordd gorfforol, ffisiolegol, dychmygol ac ysbrydol. Mae gwaith Lois yn aml yn cyfuno cyfryngau gwahanol fel lluniadau, ffilm, tecstilau, gosodiadau celf, dylunio setiau corfforol, celf ryngweithiol…

Dafydd Job
Dafydd Job

Originally from Aberystwyth, Dafydd served as a pastor with the Presbyterian church of Wales for six years, before being called to be the first pastor of the Bangor Welsh Evangelical Church in 1985, where he served until he retired at the end of last year.