The EQUIP Fund is an initiative to help support, resource and fund ‘grassroots’ projects or ministries across Wales as they share the gospel with Welsh communities.

We were reminded poignantly at the EQUIP 2017 Forum of the truth that many towns and villages around Wales suffer from the effects of high levels of unemployment. Christians and churches seeking to support and reach their communities in those areas often do not have the financial resources themselves to be able to employ ministers, pastors and youth workers to aid that work.

The EQUIP Fund seeks to encourage those of us who are blessed with employment, savings or a steady income to put to good use some of the resources that God has given us. Our gifts and donations will go directly to helping support groups across Wales as they work to grow God’s church.

Welsh flag painted on the wall

How to donate

If you’d like to donate to the work and projects supported by the EQUIP Fund, then please donate via PayPal by completing the simple payment form.

The entire value of your donation (apart from any payment processing fees) will go directly to the ministries and groups supported through the EQUIP Fund initiative.

What difference could EQUIP funding make to your local outreach?

A selection process is currently under way to determine the projects or ministries that will be supported through the EQUIP Fund. We’ll use this area of the website to share news of those projects and, with God’s blessing, stories of the lives being changed as God works in our local communities and neighbourhoods.

If you would like to nominate a project or ministry that you believe could benefit from EQUIP Fund support, then please get in touch.