We have been genuinely excited to see God at work as the plans for EQUIP 2018 and beyond have drawn together. As plans develop and expand, we’re looking to add some new faces to the team, in order to make good use of the gifts and talents of others who share the vision behind the Wales Leadership Forum.
You’ll find details below of three of the roles that we’d like to develop – and we would love to hear if you, or someone you know, would have the time, opportunity, skills and enthusiasm to join the team in one of those roles.
The Wales Leadership Forum, and the EQUIP Conference, would be unable to run without the generous support and time of many individuals. We do want to offer a huge thank you to all of those who have already given so generously of their time, resources and gifts, and we look forward to working closely with many of you again in the future.
Chris Street
Wales Leadership Forum
EQUIP Fund manager
The EQUIP Fund seeks to encourage those of us who are blessed with employment, savings or a steady income to put to good use some of the resources that God has given us. It is intended to support, resource and fund 10 ‘grassroots’ projects or ministries across Wales as they share the gospel with Welsh communities and further afield.
We’re looking for someone to join the team who can help to manage and co-ordinate the support and resources that we provide – meeting with local organisations and churches to discuss funding needs, and recommending strategic funding opportunities that support the vision and aims of the Wales Leadership Forum.
If you have a background in charity fundraising or fund management then do let us know.
Strategic Partnership manager
We’re very aware of the great work that many existing organisations already do to advance the Gospel in Wales. Rather than re-invent the wheel, we’re keen to develop our partnership with Christian organisations and charities, and look for ways in which the Wales Leadership Forum can support the work of external organisations, and provide opportunities for those organisations to offer their support, expertise and resources to our networks and conferences.
If you have experience of networking with other organisations, particularly across church denominations, and feel that you could help the Wales Leadership Forum to develop fruitful partnerships, then please get in touch.
EQUIP Network co-ordinator
While the previous two roles are on a volunteer basis, we have been able to find funding to support the vital role of EQUIP Network co-ordinator. We are keen for the EQUIP Networks to become a useful resource for God’s people throughout the year – not just at the conference – and a means for each of us to support one another in our churches and personal ministries.The EQUIP Network co-ordinator will liaise with and support each of the EQUIP Network leaders/facilitators, helping them to plan, prepare and evaluate the work of their Network in the run-up to the EQUIP 2018 conference, and in the following months beyond the conference.
Our funding enables us to pay a reasonable hourly rate on a ‘freelance’ capacity, for around 2 to 3 hours per week.
If you are excellent at providing administrative support and encouragement, are a ‘self-starter’, and are great at helping people keep to deadlines(!), then we’d love to hear from you.
How to apply
There’s no formal application process for any of these roles – initially, we’d just like you to get in touch if any of the roles seem like a good fit, and we’ll be able to tell you more about how we see the roles developing, and answer any questions that you might have.
And, if you know someone else who may fit one of these roles then please point them in our direction! We’re sure that the ideal people to help support the work of the Wales Leadership Forum are out there – and we can’t wait to meet them!