My name is Mike Adams, I work part time for World Horizons a cross-cultural mission movement and for Scripture Union a mission to children and youth. I attend Parklands Evangelical Church in Swansea. I am the Network facilitator for the children and youth stream at Equip 2017.
The greatest need regarding children and youth ministry and outreach that I see in Wales is not a lack of material or programmes, but of people who will do the work. One of the reasons for this is a lack of confidence to do the work.
I see that this network could help train, equip and inspire new leaders and those who have been at the coalface for some time. As well as the initial time at the forum, I see a network of people inspiring, helping and praying for one another throughout the year. I see some training together, over webinars phone and email, but also some hands on working and learning together.
I believe that this can make a difference, can be a part of shaping our future.
Mike Adams
Network Facilitator – Children and youth leaders network