Geni a magu yn nhre Llanelli.
Dechrau mynychu Ysgol Sul Capel Triniti, Llanelli.
Tua 1969, daeth y Parch. Gareth Davies yn weinidog i’r Triniti.
Dechreuais fynd i ddosbarth Beiblaidd yng nghartre’r gweinidog, ac yna ces fynd i wersyll
MEC yn y Bala. Yno des yn Gristion yn 1975.
Yna teimlais alwad i’r weinidogaeth. Astudio ym Mangor am radd B.D.
Wedi gweinidogaethu gyda’r Bedyddwyr yng Nghaernarfon a’r cylch o 1986 – 2010.
Yn gweinidogaethu yn Nhabernacl Llwynhendy ers 2010.
Yn briod â Helen ers 1986, gyda phedwar o blant a phump o wyrion.
Gwas anfuddiol yn dibynnu’n llwyr ar ras Duw.
Born and bred in Llanelli Town.
Started attending Sunday School in Triniti chapel, Llanelli.
About 1969 the Rev. Gareth Davies came there as minister.
I started attending Bible Study in the manse, and was encouraged to go to EMW camp, and
went to Bala and was converted in 1975.
Felt a call to ministry later, and studied for a B.D. at Bangor.
Ministered with the Baptists in Caernarfon and district from 1986 to 2010.
Ministering in Tabernacl Llwynhendy since 2010.
Married to Helen since 1986, with four children and five grandchildren.
An unworthy servant, totally dependant on God’s grace.