Dafydd Job


Yn wreiddiol o Aberystwyth, bu Dafydd yn wenidog gyda’r Presbyteriaid am chwe mlynedd cyn cael ei alw i fod yn weinidog cyntaf yr Eglwys Efengylaidd Gymraeg ym Mangor ym 1985, lle . Bu hefyd yn teithio yn rheolaidd i Ddwyrain Ewrop i gynorthwyo eglwysi yno. Mae wedi ymddeol o’i gyfrifoldeb fel gweinidog yr eglwys ym Mangor ers diwedd y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, ond yn parhau i deithio i ddwyrain Ewrop, ac mae wedi derbyn cyfrifoldeb gyda mudiad Living Leadership, i gynorthwyo gweinidogion ac arweinwyr eglwysi yng Nghymru a dramor. Mae’n briod a chanddo dri o blant, ac mae’n dadcu i bedwar o blant.

Originally from Aberystwyth, Dafydd served as a pastor with the Presbyterian church of Wales for six years, before being called to be the first pastor of the Bangor Welsh Evangelical Church in 1985, where he served until he retired at the end of last year. He also travels regularly to Eastern Europe under the auspices of UFM Worldwide to help churches there. He continues to minister in various ways, and has recently been appointed as an associate to Living Leadership, to help pastors and church leaders both here and abroad. He is married with three children and four grandchildren.