Thursday 20th September 2018 at 7 pm

New House Country Hotel,
Thornhill, Cardiff.
CF83 1LY

Join us for tea, coffee, cheese and biscuits
(£10 per person)

Rebecca Manley Pippert

International speaker and author
- including “Hope Has Its Reasons”

Rebecca Manley Pippert is an internationally known speaker who regularly lectures on spiritual renewal, evangelism and character formation for church conferences, at schools and colleges and in pastoral training seminars. She has also written several popular books on evangelism and Christian living.

Her bestselling book Out of the Saltshaker has sold more than a half-million copies worldwide.

An evening with Rebecca Manley Pippert

Finding hope and help in a stressful world

New House Country Hotel, Cardiff
7pm, Thursday 20 September 2018

We’d love to draw your attention to this exciting evangelistic event.

This will be a wonderful opportunity for you to invite your friends, family, work-colleagues and neighbours to hear Rebecca Manley Pippert share how faith in God can make a major difference in our stressful world.

We’re holding it in a lovely venue, the New House Country Hotel, Cardiff.

As places are limited we encourage you to book early for yourself and your guests.

Pat Norbury and Ceri Thomas
Ladies’ meeting coordinators